Ohio Department of Health Issues Stay at Home Order for All of Ohio

Ohio Governor, Mike DeWine announced today that the Ohio Department of Health has issued a Stay at Home order for all of Ohio. The order goes into effect at 11:59 PM, Monday, March 23 and will go until at least April 6. Then it will be reevaluated, according to DeWine.
Stay at Home or Place of Residence
With exceptions as outlined in the Order, all individuals currently living within the State of Ohio are ordered to stay at home or at their place of residence except as allowed in this Order. To the extent individuals are using shared or outdoor spaces when outside their residence, they must at all times and as much as reasonably possible, maintain social distancing of at least six feet from any other person, with the exception of family or household members, consistent with the Social Distancing Requirements set forth in this Order. All persons may leave their homes or place of residence only for Essential Activities, Essential Governmental Functions, or to participate in Essential Businesses and Operations.
Non-essential Business and Operations Must Cease
All businesses and operations in the State of Ohio, except Essential Businesses and Operations as defined in the Order, are required to cease all activities within the State except Minimum Basic Operations.
Prohibited Activities
All public and private gatherings of any number of people occurring outside a single household or living unit are prohibited, except for the limited purposes permitted by this Order.
Read Full Order here.
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