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Changes are Coming for Not-For-Profit Financial Re

For the past several years, changes have been in the works...

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Have You Reviewed Your Policies Recently?

It is good policy to review your policies annually. They...

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Program Related Investments: Gaining Momentum

Once considered underutilized (Forbes, “Why Program-Related...

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3 Internal Control Basics for Small Not-for-Profit

With almost 1 million tax exempt organizations classified...

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When Should a Not-for-Profit Organization Make a P

Have you heard that a not-for-profit should not make a...

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4 Considerations for Non Profit Transparency

Transparency. In the non profit community, transparency is...

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Who’s Looking at Your Financial Information?

With all the electronic devices, websites, apps and social...

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Difference Between Deferred & Temporarily Rest

It’s the end of the year and the auditors are in the...

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