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Cleveland Rape Crisis Center’s Peter A. DeMarco Exemplary Service Award

We are very proud to announce that the Cleveland Rape Crisis Center (CRCC) annually gives out the Peter A. DeMarco Exemplary Service Award to employees who demonstrate exemplary service to their mission.

Pete was a tenured member of CRCC’s Board of Directors, having served multiple terms as Treasurer and then as Board Chair.  The latter position he held for five consecutive terms – the longest in CRCC’s history.   While Pete’s accomplishments and legacies with CRCC are numerous, he will always be remembered and honored for his deep care and concern for their clients and for the people who support them, CRCC employees.   The award is presented in his name to honor his service to CRCC and the community we serve.

The Peter A. DeMarco Exemplary Service Award is granted annually to an employee who has demonstrated exemplary service to the mission of the CRCC.   Selected by the President & CEO, she or he is recognized for:

    • Showcasing a passion for CRCC's mission of supporting survivors of rape and sexual abuse, promoting healing and prevention and advocating for social change.
    • Repeatedly meeting and usually exceeding her or his performance expectations.
    • Creating lasting change in the way our community responds to survivors of sexual violence or prevents it from happening in the first place.

Kim Haggerty, Community Engagement Manager is this year’s award recipient.  Since joining the CRCC team, Kim has been a steadfast advocate for their mission.  Never one to settle for the status quo, Kim uses her unique communications, design and project management skills to drive thousands of survivors to CRCC's services and create change each and every day. 

“For over 40 years, Pete has worked tirelessly to make Meaden & Moore and our community a better place and he has done so with a quiet confidence; continually striving to get better.  If there is anyone dedicated to the concepts of positive thinking and continuous improvement, it’s Pete,” states Jim Carulas, CEO. 

He continues, “In our business life, we are fortunate to meet and work with many wonderful people, people who touch us and make a difference in our lives and make the experience a pleasure.  Pete is one of those people; he is a mentor, advisor, leader and friend to many.”

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